ISMTA Instrument and Voice Video Competition Video & Music Submission Instructions

Video & Music Submission Period: March 31 - April 15

All videos will be submitted as a single link to an unlisted YouTube Playlist.

Unlisted YouTube Playlist Preparation and Instructions

Each piece will be recorded as a separate video and uploaded to student’s own YouTube channel as unlisted videos. Title each video with the composer and title of piece. For example: Beethoven Sonata in D, Op.12

Create an unlisted YouTube Playlist and title it with your Entrant ID, which will be included in the registration confirmation email. Add all of your individual uploaded YouTube videos to this Playlist. Student or teacher’s name should not appear in any part of the video title or playlist title.

Share this YouTube Playlist link in the Video and Music Submission Form.

All music files will be submitted as a single link to your Google Drive Fol

Music Files via Google Drive Folder Preparation and Instructions

Number the measures in each of your pieces.

Scan all pages of the music to be performed as a PDF file. There are several widely available apps to choose from, such as Notes, Turboscan, Scanner Pro, etc.

Scan each piece as a separate PDF file. Once scanned, be sure to check that:

  • multi-page pieces appear in the correct order
  • scans are clear and not blurry
  • all music is visible and not cut off
  • pages are shown in the correct orientation, not side view or up side down

From your Google Drive, create a folder and title it with your Entrant ID.

Upload the PDF music files to your folder.

Enable restriction setting so that “anyone on the internet with this link can view.”

Share this Folder link in the Video and Music Submission Form.

Video Recording Guidelines

High quality audio is strongly suggested.
For tips on recording your video, click here:

Video recording should be made with one fixed camera angle/location with both the performer and instrument visible throughout the video, as if on stage with judges viewing from the audience.

Please check sound quality and that all links open before submitting the form. Please
use a private or Incognito browser to ensure proper access.