ISMTA Board of Directors
The ISMTA Board of Directors are the voting members in charge of governance for ISMTA. The Advisory Council advises the board of directors, and is comprised of committee members, past presidents, and local association presidents.

Yeeseon Kwon
NCTM (Morton Grove)

Rochelle Sennet
NCTM (Urbana-Champaign)

Cynthia Papierniak
Vice President - Local Associations

Joseph Welch
Gateway Arch East
Vice President - Membership

Jiafeng Yan
CUMTA (Champaign-Urbana)
Vice President - Conferences

Jeff Kleinsorge
NCTM (Chicago)

Pei-I Wang
NCTM (Chatham)
Competitions Director

Nancy Liley
NCTM (Naperville)
Education/AIM Director

Christopher Goldston
NCTM (Chicago)
Director at Large

Rebecca Gebbink
PAMTA (Peoria)
Corresponding Secretary

Jeff Kleinsorge
NCTM (Chicago)
Immediate Past President